Tonight Austin and I had the opportunity to look at Saturn through Butler's telescope....only a mere 1 billion miles away from earth!! I was expecting beautiful colors and this massive picture and instead saw only a black and white snap shot of the planet and it's 6 moons. The best way to describe it would be that it looked like one of those pictures from your eye test in elementary not realistic. But all I could think about was creation. This planet is massive and beautiful and was created by God's very hands!!
I found out yesterday that my mom lost her job. In a time when life is tough, I am reminded that God will ALWAYS be with me. As I was driving into class this morning the song Always by Building 429 came on the radio. The chorus spoke wonders to my heart:
But I believe always always Our Savior never fails Even when all hope is gone God knows our pain and His promise remains He will be with you always
As my sister said: Despite the fact that our lives both kind of blew up late last night I still believe this:
My God is not the God of the dead but if the living(Mark 12:27) When I sit in the darkness the Lord is my light(Micah 7:8b I know the Lord is good to those whose hope is in HIM to the one who seeks him(Lamentations 3:25) I trust that as the Heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways higher than mine, and his thoughts higher than mine(Isaiah 55:8-9) I know that my God is not a God of disorder but of peace(1 Cor.14:33) He commands me to seek first the kingdom of heaven, Do what you are told by Him, and everything will be given to you(Matthew 6:31,33) Because my God moves mountains and still moves in me, I will not worry but know that my liberator is going to do something in our days that you would net believe even if we were told(Habakkuk1:5)