Saturday, May 30, 2009

I can't get no.....satisfaction.

As the song says, "I can't get no, satisfaction."
however, as a believer, we have full satisfaction in Jesus.

But, why is it SO gosh-darn hard to find satisfaction in Christ alone?
My mind has been trying to figure this one out for days....with no avail.
Why is it that me, as a women, seek my satisfaction in places other than my daddy? And I mean S-E-E-K.
I have found myself rummaging through Target searching for another perfect dress for a group date, because one of the 20 that I have in my closet won't be good enough.
I have found my eyes and mind wondering toward women around me who are cuter, more "together", and most certainly happier than me curious what makes them tick.
I have found myself disheartened when I don't receive a speedy response to an urgent e-mail.
But what I haven't found is satisfaction.
I haven't stumbled upon the something that will make me smile continuously and keep me upbeat.
As I sit here in Panera, a bit frustrated that the bf didn't have time for a lunch date, I wonder....what am I doing wrong?
I try to pin point one thing that I can change, or a certain something I can cling to more, or less...and nothing.

As I have sought what to do, I have had an epiphany: what if instead of seeking, I STOP and be sought.
Not in a worldly sense, but a spiritual one.
What if I slow myself, my thoughts, my emotions down and just listen.
I have a feeling that what I will find is an eternal satisfaction.....
In looking the past few hours at lies we believe as daughter's of the King, I have noticed a lot about TRUTH.
What is truth, where do we get truth, how do we process truth....I believe what I need is a lesson in simply LISTENING to the TRUTH.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Driving to STL last night I had the opportunity to listen to some podcasts. After listening to the Passion Podcast I stumbled across a Francis Chan one titled "Is Suffering Optional?" I had never thought about this before. Intrigued, I turned it on.
I was blown away by the amount of times in the New Testament that God calls us, as His children, to suffer. From Matthew to Revelation, God paints a not so pretty picture....we are to die as Christ died. We are to be hated as He was hated. We are to make a ruckus as Christ did.
I couldn't help but laughing when he asked: What made John 3:16 so popular?
Who decided that our lives as Christians would be picture perfect.
I agree with Francis when he said that we often draw people into the faith with words like hope, grace, peace, love, etc. But we fail to mention that, through EVERY ONE OF THOSE IS TRUE, the most often forgotten is SUFFERING. If we join Christ is His cause, we will be persecuted, but one day we will wear an eternal crown!

Revelation 2:10
Do NOT be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.