Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's here!

I'm going to Hong Kong!
I cannot express how excited (and scared) I am to leave in the morning.
It has been a long journey to get to where I am today; classes, student teacher part 1, prayer, etc. But for some reason it just doesn't seem like enough....I just don't feel ready. I have packed all day, I have checked almost everything off my "to do" list, I have even said 'good-bye' to the important people here in STL, however, I still feel as though I could fill days with arrends and good-byes.
I am excited to share my journeys, struggles, and experiences.
I feel it will help me get my thoughts on paper, so to speak, and give me the opportunity to share my life with my family and friends!

Get ready, get set, GO!
See you in 2 months :-)

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