Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bitter, sweet.

As I walked out of Renaissance College today tears filled my eyes. Today marked the end of my 4 month teaching practice. At 3pm I still had a stack of reflections to mark and didn't mind to stay and work. Part of me, well all of me, didn't want to leave. I knew that once I left, I was not sure when I would return, if ever. I have enjoyed my time at RCHK. I have learned more than I ever thought about teaching middle school general music and looked forward to attending lessons every day. My creativity has grown, my bag of "tricks" has increased, and my ability to "think on my toes" has greatly improved. Overall I find myself a whole "new" teacher than when I began in August.

My day was quite possibly the most eventful day to date!! It began with a noisy 26 bus ride to the MTR station. I was greeted by the wonderful Performing Arts staff for our 8am "meeting." We had Starbucks coffee and muffins. My CT's gave me some gifts including a signed yearbook as well as a Mollard baton. After grading papers for 3 hours I got to teach my final classes, year 7 and year 3.

Today has been an bitter end, to a sweet future :-)
I will be state-side in 5 days!!!!!

Sending my hugs across the sea.....

1 comment:

Reneelharvey said...

I have enjoyed your comments about teaching and living in Hong Kong and am disappointed that I never got to meet you in person as we live near you at Forest Hill. May you continue serving the Lord to the best of your ability regardless of where He calls you to work. Safe travels and happy Christmas! RH