Friday, March 5, 2010


We all have those items that we just cannot bare to part with. For me that item is a t-shirt. In high school I received countless t-shirts for various events. For 4 years. However, 1 shirt I have worn since I got it my senior year. This shirt was for none other than Calculus AB. The class was tough. Some days I questioned why I decided to take it in the first place. But, somehow Mrs. Dean's silly "grrr" faces drawn next to stupid mistakes on tests lightened the load. 2nd semester we decided to form a group, a club if you will, so obviously we made shirts.
Over the past 4 1/2 years the shirts has endured many a sick days, many vigorous workouts, and countless hours in the spin cycle.
The other day I noticed the gaping holes in the arm pits. Even thought I really do not want to part with it, I think it is time.
"Be Studious" as the back says, will forever be in my heart.
Thanks Mrs. Dean for the songs, dances, and memories.

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